Online dating sites are popular amongst many people. Approximately one in ten Americans have utilized the help of an online dating service either through a computer or an app. Despite their popularity, there are still some myths concerning new dating websites that are not true. Read below, as these myths are debunked.
You Don’t Need Help Meeting People
Many people avoid new dating sites based on this belief. They are okay with the way things are going and they do not need any help. At least that is what they think. Just because you choose to do some online searching doesn’t mean you become physically invisible. You can browse online dating sites and still seek out others in person. Those who are actively looking to date use every possible venue available.
Everyone Lies on Dating Websites
While this can most certainly be the case in new dating websites, it is also the case anywhere you go. People can lie even in face to face conversations. Many users do want to make a great first impression when venturing into the world of online dating, and this could make it tempting to lie. Majority of these people, however, realize that if they intend to pursue any offline relationships that blossom through the dating website that honesty is the best policy.
Dating Online is Dangerous
Yes, there are stories of grim outcomes that happened because of online dating. There are also grim stories about people who met offline and began a relationship. Many sites have steps in place to respond to concerns about safety. Background checks are performed and users are searched against the Sex Offender Registry. When you date online you are searching for people form your own home, but other options may include bar meetings. During these chance meetings there is no guarantee that the other party is not intoxicated, and alcohol increases the risk of sexual assault.
Relationships Which Start Online are Doomed
Online dating websites have not been around for very long, therefore it is commonly assumed that relationships that come out them will not last. This could not be further from the truth. When meeting someone online and dating online you get the chance to get to know that person’s personality. You realize their values and their ethics. You two connect on an emotional level before ever connecting on a physically intimate level. When two people find that they have many things in common their relationship is stronger and more than just a physical attraction.
Profiles Tell You Whether Y’all Are a Perfect Match
It is important to remember that a profile is not an actual person. A profile is simply a few words describing a person. New dating websites ask a series of questions and generate a profile based on the answers to these questions. In order to really get to know the “person” you must interact with them. Get your mind out of the mode to search for reasons to exclude or include people based on their profiles. Set out to get to know someone and get past the profile.
Only Old People Date Online
If you have been single for a while then you know just how tiring trolling the single hangouts can be. There are people of all ages looking for the perfect someone. Profiles are meant to be a way help those who are around the same age find each other. Young adults, middle-aged adults and yes even older adults utilize online dating websites. These sites provide you to remain anonymous while browsing if you choose and allow you move as quickly in your relationship or as slowly as you want.
With around 54.25 million single people in the world, you are wasting a valuable resource if you are not utilizing new dating websites. Online dating sites are not a bad place to meet new people, and about 59 percent of internet users agree that these sites offer new ways to meet and connect with people. Don’t let these myths scare you away from meeting a potential match.