Today’s weather interrupted your plans for the day. You intended to spend the day planting vegetables in our garden. The morning was set aside for rototilling the soil and preparing the ground. By afternoon when the girls returned home from school the planting would begin. An entire morning of rain, however, eliminating any real outdoor work. Not one to be completely discouraged, instead you turned to the sorting through one of the two cheap garden sheds that are at the back of your property. In fact, the luxury of having two cheap garden sheds where you could store your gardening supplies and tools has led to quite a bit of chaos and disorganization.
Although you will not be planting the brussel sprout seedlings that your dad started for you, you will be getting everything completely organized and sorted so that when the rain stops you will be even more prepared for the spring planting plans.
Storage Sheds and Other Backyard Buildings Provide Greater Use of Space
Wooden outdoor furniture and and wooden sheds allow families to make even greater use of the space on their property. Consider some of the following options:
Garages and sheds. Americans are sometimes known for all of the stuff that they own. With that said, it is not surprising that so many home owners purchase custom made sheds and garages for extra storage. While many houses already have attached garages for their everyday automobiles, a growing number of home owners are also purchasing cheap garden sheds or garages fro additional storage.
Located near the back of a piece of property, a garage can house mowers, snowblowers, and other equipment that is not used year round. Weed eaters, edgers, hoses, and gardening tools can have a place of their own instead of cluttering the space where you park your cars and trucks. Selecting one of many options of cheap garden sheds or going all out for a custom designed garage can allow each owner to determine the amount of space that they will need.
Positioned on concrete bases, many of America’s sheds and garages are getting a facelift as an outdoor man cave or women’s craft and hobby space. Home owners who have large pieces of land may be the most likely to build or contract the building of these additional spaces. when used for storage, experts say that it is best to determine how much space you currently need and then add 25% more space. This extra allowance will help guarantee that the shed is not overflowing the day it is first installed or constructed.
Pergolas or gazebos. Both of these options can provide a venue for dining options and garden expansion. A separate building like a pergola, also known as a wooden trellis or arch, can create the perfect pallet for climbing roses and other flowering plants. Situated in the back portion of a yard, a pergola can add height and beauty as well as serve as an entrance to a more formal garden.
Gazebos, whether the are attached to a house deck or sit separate from the home altogether, can provide a comfortable and cozy dining location, as well as a quite area for reading or napping. While many people look for more ways to spend time enjoying nature on weekends and after work, gazebos provide the perfect option.
A combination of a gazebo and one or two pergolas allows the most intense gardeners to create several different growing areas in their yard. Arranged by color or type of plants, many gardeners like to change out the plants that they highlight every year. Others, like to have an entire area to highlight their prize winning peonies in May, and then highlight other plants throughout the growing season.
Adding Outdoor Furniture Is an Extra Bonus
Many outdoor areas also feature other gathering places. Fire pits, custom designed tables and chairs are other options for expanding your living space to the outside. Like investments in garages, sheds, and other outdoor buildings, many home owners indicate that they plan to keep custom designed wooden furniture for as long as 10 to fifteen years.
How much time does your family spend outside? Would new outdoor furniture and buildings expand the use of your outdoor property?