Deciding on how you want to spend the rest of your life can be a daunting decision and there a number of variables to consider. Which option is better for the lifestyle you live? You can choose to buy a home or find apartments to rent with util.
What benefits are there to buying a home? When you buy a home you have a place to call your own forever. You will also carry a considerable amount of debt which is something you will need to consider depending on your lifestyle. This debt is considered a good debt if you plan on living in the home or renting it out as an investment. Buying a home does have some downsides as well which are rarely considered in the home buying process. If you purchase a home you are stuck in a long term situation until you are able to sell it. You always have the option to rent it out and make some money but that also carries other stresses from being a landlord. Buying a home has all the added stress of being responsible for any and all problems that may arise.
Renting has a number of different benefits and can be something that works for most any lifestyle. If you find yourself moving around a lot for work or as a traveller renting might give you the freedom you desire. Renting an apartment can free up more of your budget and save you a ton of cash. Renting means that your landlord is in charge of making sure that all repairs or replacements are maintained on a daily basis. You are not responsible for hefty expenses like the ones you endure in owning a home. There are all kinds of amenities found in apartments and condos these days like gyms, pools, hot tub, playgrounds, and a number of them are becoming pet friendly to better suit your needs. Having all of these great amenities and living in apartments to rent with utilities included can reduce the amount of stress and responsibility you carry. Over 50% of renters who responded to a survey considered renting a better choice for living within a budget and having less stress.
So depending on how you live your life think about the added responsibilities and benefits of either owning a home or finding apartments to rent with utilities.