It is a very exciting time in life when you feel ready and able to purchase a home. It can also be a bit daunting since there are so many options out there and different decisions to make about choosing the perfect home. Here are some things to keep in mind.
When it comes to finding the perfect home the options include building, buying a previously built home, or buying a newly built home. About 41 percent of Americans prefer to buy a home that was newly built but hasn’t been used over one that’s been used or building one for themselves.
For many homeowners and potential homeowners, finding a home with a yard is crucial. Some 83 percent of Americans think it’s important to have a yard at their home, of 90 percent of them believe that it should it be well maintained. That really shows how highly we think of yards and having a presentable space that represents us.
When you’re thinking about what to look for in a new home you might also consider whether or not there are appliances included in the deal. Some new homes do not have them, but others have state of the art washers, dryers, and other kitchen appliances. According to some research done by the National Association of Homebuilders, 90 percent of people looking for a home said that Energy Star appliances were very important to them.
Other things to consider when you’re looking at new homes for sale is the type of community that they are located in. It’s not only important to feel like where you live is conveniently close to the types of things that you want to do with your time, but also that it feels safe. Anyone with children is going to want to pay close attention to the school districts in the area and how far the home is away from their activities as well.
When people are looking at homes for sale, 63 percent of people are willing to pay more if they get a lot of greenery and outdoor space close to their home. Additionally, 34 percent are willing to pay more if it means being close to good shopping, and 33 percent more are willing to pay more if they can be closer to good cultural activities.