Painting a room is a great way to update a room instantly. However, if you do not follow the best tips for painting a room, you may not realize the results you are hoping for. Here are the top ten best tips for painting a room.
1. Make Sure You Have the Right Tools and Materials
you mustto gather all the tools and materials you will need to paint the room before you start. Painting is not hard, but it is labor intensive. Don’t be in a hurry to get to the painting part. Spend the time that you need to ensure that you have all the materials on hand that is needed for the project.
Different types of walls require different types of tools. For example, stucco painting can’t be done with a roller that you would use on a smooth wall. It would be best if you had specific type tools to ensure that your get professional results. Gather all of your tools and take inventory. If you are missing a tool, get it before you start.
There is the right tool for wood wall paneling, brick painting, textured ceiling painting, and more. Having the right tools for the job will ensure that you get the results you are hoping to get. Don’t skip out on this, the first of the best tips for painting a room, or you will regret what you did.
2. Take Your Time with Prep Work
Professional remodeling services get amazing results because they take the necessary time to prep the surface they are preparing to paint. You can get the same amazing results, but you must work. It can be tempting to paint over dirty walls, but it is strongly advised that you don’t. Cleaning the walls, ceilings, and baseboards before you start will ensure that the paint adheres properly to the surface.
Evaluate the room you will paint to see what area needs to be cleaned of spider webs, dust, and debris. It will take you less time than you think to clean the walls first.
Prep work also includes filling small nail holes, repairing any cracks or holes, and making any other repairs. For example, if you are planning on painting the bathroom, but you have some plumbing issues, call the plumbing company first to make the repairs.
The same is true if you are painting a basement room that has some moisture problems. You need to get the repairs done first. For example, have the retaining wall installation done before you start remodeling the room you do not want all that hard work to be for nothing. Paying close attention to prep work is one of the best tips for painting a room.
3.Cover Anything In Splatter Range
Most people will take the time to save a trip to the office furniture store to replace furnishings ruined by paint by covering the furniture. However, when you are laying out drop cloths consider the “splatter zone” to provide the paint protection services your items deserve. Paint splatter from a roller can travel up to five feet. One of the best tips for painting a room successfully is to protect everything in the room from paint splatter.
Going a little overboard with covering things in the room with drop cloths is always better than underestimating the need for coverage. Buy extra drop cloths to have them on hand.
4.Choose Your Paint Carefully
Many people mistakenly believe that all paints are created equally. The fact is there are hundreds of paint options on the market. You want to choose paint that is specific to the job. For example, epoxy floor coatings are great for painting floors but not so great for painting walls. You want to choose the right paint for the project.
Not only will you have to choose the right paint you will also have to consider a finish. Do you want some gloss to the room? Than you should choose a semi-gloss. Most people use a matter finish on the walls, and a semi-gloss on the baseboards and doors. Semi-gloss finishes can be washed easier. It is important that you choose a paint that not only adheres well to the surface that you are painting but one that gives you a finish that you will love.
5. Protect Yourself
Before you roll up your sleeves and get to work you want to make sure that you are protecting yourself from copious amounts of paint. While paints today are non-toxic you should still protect your skin from paint. Protecting yourself from paint splatters and drops will make clean up much easier.
The best tips for painting a room are tips that will take you through from start to finish. This tip will ensure that when you are finished you do not have to scrub your skin raw to get the paint off. Residential home remodeling is not an easy task unless you are well-prepared. Protect yourself by investing in protective equipment and clothing.
6. Start With the Ceiling
There is a process to painting a room, so far we have. This one of the best tips for painting a room starts getting into the nuts and bolts of painting a room. When painting a room, you should always start at the top and work your way down. That means you should start with the ceiling.
Cut in the ceiling first by hand. Cutting in the ceiling using a paintbrush will give you a crisp clean line between the ceiling and the wall. If your ceiling is textured, make sure you have the proper paintbrush to get in the crevices of the texture. If you do not use the right paintbrush or rollers there will be obvious spaces without paint.
7. Proper Way To Paint Walls
Once you have the ceiling painted it is time to move on to the walls. One of the best tips for painting a room and not having to do many touch-ups afterward is to use painter’s tape to protect the freshly painted ceiling. Using painter’s tape is easy. Just roll out the tape to cover the edges of the ceiling where it meets the wall. You should do the same with the baseboards and any molding around the room.
After you put up the painter’s tape on the ceiling and the baseboards, it is time to get the walls done. You want to follow the same steps for the walls that you followed for the ceiling. Cut in the edges of the wall carefully to ensure that you do not get paint on the ceiling. You should wind up with a two to three-inch painted area around the entire room. Don’t forget to cut in around any baseboards and molding.
Next step is to use your roller to apply paint to the walls. As you are rolling out the paint follow a “W” pattern on the walls. Make a W with the paint than fill in the areas with a smooth motion. Don’t press to hard on the roller as you are rolling out the paint. If you press to hard the roller will release too much paint at once and you will get paint drips. One of the best tips for painting a room is to take a slow and steady approach.
8. Tips for Painting Baseboards and Molding
Once the walls and ceiling is done the only thing you have left to do is paint the baseboards and the molding in the room. Baseboards are the trim at the bottom of the wall. Molding is any other type of trim that may be around windows or door frames. Molding can also be found at the top of the wall if the room is outfitted with crown molding.
Painters tape comes in handy when you are painting baseboards and molding. It will give you a nice crisp line. Affix the painter’s tape to any area where the wall and baseboard and/or molding meet. If you miss your mark with the paintbrush, you will not damage the newly painted wall. You will need a paintbrush to manage painting the baseboards and molding.
Typically, trim requires a paintbrush because it has grooves and crevices as part of the design. There are sponge-type tools that can also do the trick, but a paintbrush is a lot easier to control. Ultimately, use the tool that you are most comfortable using.
You do not want to overfill your paintbrush with paint, or the paint will drip. However, you do want to use some pressure when you are applying the paint. Paintbrushes, unlike rollers, need a little more pressure to deposit the paint on the surface.
9. To Prime or Not to Prime
All the best tips for painting a room are good tips to follow, but there is one tip that has been excluded that may have some people wondering. You may read some tips that recommend you prime a room before you paint it. However, these best tips for painting a room never even addressed priming the room. Is priming before you paint necessary? The answer is maybe.
Priming is only necessary when you are going from a very dark color to a very light color. If you find that the paint that you picked is not covering the wall, then you probably need to go back and prime the wall. Priming before you pant is not an absolute. It should be determined on a case by case basis.
If you feel like you need to prime the room before you paint, it can be done before you initiate the wall painting. Keep in mind that it is not a step that you must take unless you find that the paint is not covering the wall.
10 Clean Up Tips
Property management is not easy, but you get through it. The room is painted and looks great. Now it is time to clean things up. Before you remove the drop cloths, you should remove all the paint products and tools. You can use warm soapy water to wash brushes and rollers to use on the next project.
Some people prefer to dispose of used tools. If you do not want to save the tools for next time, reach out to your local trash collector to find out how to properly dispose of the tools. You should save any leftover paint to use as touch-up paint for when the room starts to show some wear and tear. Make sure you tightly seal the lid of the paint so that can prevent any leak. You should also store paint in a cool dry place. Your garage is a great place to store paint. It is important that paint is stored at the right temperature. Paint is a flammable material.
Once you have all the painting equipment out of the room, you can remove any painter’s tape that is left on the walls and remove the dropped clothes. The final step is inspecting the room to ensure that no paint spatters get away from you. If you have some paint on the floor or on other items, soap and water, and a little scrubbing will remove it.
Following the best tips for painting will ensure that you get the results that you want. Painting is a great way to update your property and enjoy your home. Follow the tips and it will make the process a lot easier. Learn more about how to properly paint your room to get amazing results.