In today’s economy, nobody has the kind of money to hire someone to do all the projects around the house. Some folks like to resort to Do it Yourself (DiY) projects at times like this. I suspect that most folks, if they are anything like me, roll their eyes at the term “DiY.” We all have ideas for projects, but most of us just don’t have the skill to risk a large scale DiY project. That said, even if you can barely bang a nail into the wall with a hammer, there ARE DiY projects that you can accomplish. I’m referring to DiY crafts for home improvement, or using craft skills to change up the decor of your home, giving it the look of a renovation without the mess, cost, or time.
There are dozens of creative ways to decorate your room. The first step in any craft based project is to start by taking home interiors pictures. You want to have a good before picture to really highlight your work when the after picture is sitting next to it. Once you have your photos, it is time to figure out the starting point for your project. The best creative decorating ideas usually begin with a focus on a keystone item, or a piece in the room that you can build around. That might be something as simple as knitting a new cover for a loveseat or using old greeting cards to create homemade photo matting. By using pieces already in your home and reworking them into something else, not only do you create a stunning visual change, but your new room is also a display piece for old stories. Once you have your keystone project, let that guide your DiY home ideas. Incorporate colors or textures from that first project into all of your subsequent projects to really tie the room together.
One of the benefits of using DiY crafts for home improvement is that the process is inherently green. Rather than gutting a room and creating more garbage, you can recycle elements from your house and beyond to give your room a new look. Look for stores that specifically sell architectural salvage materials. Not only will you save money, but you will often find beautiful pieces that are decades (if not centuries) old. I once started a room remodel by taking an old library card catalog and repainting it with a Tuscan color scheme. I found a set of beautiful cabinet pulls at an architectural salvage store to complete the look, and suddenly I had a very expensive looking wine rack. Everyone always asks me where I bought it or how much I paid. That is the joy of using DiY crafts for home improvement. People WILL ask you these questions, and you can just smile and tell them you did it yourself.