You are not sure if you are excited or apprehensive about tomorrow’s weather event. Frankly, if it is going to snow you want it to SNOW! You want your hubby and kids home for a snow day. What you hate is when you get just enough to make driving treacherous, but not enough to close work and schools. A snow day with your favorite peeps, however, would be perfect.
So, Mother Nature, make a decision to either BRING IT or just stay away!
In just a few weeks, these weather problems will no longer be a part of your day. In just a few weeks, you will live in a place where snow will never be in the forecast. A place where the only time you will use a shovel will be to clean out sand from the garage. In fact, you are literally counting down the day until the moving services show up and begin one of the biggest transitions of your life.
Hiring a Moving Company Can Help You Keep Your Items Safe and Sound
Whether you are looking for a way to safely and efficiently move your items across town to a larger home or across the country to a new job and a new life, it is often in your best interest to make sure that you hire a professional moving company.
Knowing how to choose the right moving services, in fact, can not only make your move more efficient, it can also make your move more enjoyable. Knowing that you have professional moving services in charge of your family piano and your antique dining room table means that you can focus on other important aspects of the relocation process. Consider some of these facts and figures about the moving industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- Nearly 187 thousand jobs were created directly relative to the moving industry.
- $36 billion is the revenue created by self-storage in the U.S. every year.
- 35.1 million Americans move every year.
- While a intrastate move costs about $2,300, an interstate move, one which is about 1,225 miles, costs about $4,300.
- The moving industry has a yearly payroll of $3.6 billion for as many as 122,600 employees.
- At 63% of total movers, New York, Illinois, and New Jersey all have the highest percentage of people moving in from other states.
Whether you are looking forward to moving to a part of the country where you never have to deal with snow again or you are simply looking forward to a larger house with a third bathroom, professional moving services make many of your transitions much easier.