How to Simplify Your Life With Clothing Donations

Red cross clothes donation

A new trend and way of living involves simplifying your life. The idea behind it is that when things are simple and easy going, you experience less stress and frustration. You are easier organized and your day to day life is smoother. Transitioning to a simplified way of being requires letting belongings go. It requires the constant reminder of what is important, and which things are simply causing you stress. If you want to create a life that is simpler, begin with the following suggestions.

Transition to electronic storage

Document storage is necessary for many people. Some items need to be stored for many years, including birth records, marriage certificates, school transcripts, medical records, and tax documents. Over the years, these documents seem to grow and expand in amount and your filing cabinets are overflowing and difficult to close. If you need quick access to a document, you are struggling with unfiled paperwork and are often left with a mess.

For easier storage and access of your documents, consider moving them to an electronic storage system. As you decide to store a document, you simply scan it onto the computer and then choose the appropriate file to store it in. If you later need access to that specific document, you can easily click on the folder that you stored it in. This process will also make it easier to quickly fax and Email required documents.

Clothing and shoes

Clothing and shoes are perhaps one of the most common items that people hoard. In fact, Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments a year. That is 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes per person or more than one piece of clothing purchased per week. How many times have you entered your overflowing closet, still unable to find something to wear? It is likely that you have too many options and that the decision process is too overwhelming. Simplify your closet and your clothing choices by narrowing down your closet items. Consider keeping the items you wear regularly and then giving the rest to the Red Cross clothes donation center. Your clothes donation to the American Red Cross clothing donations center will provide many benefits to those in the community that are in need.

You may be tempted to keep items just in case. Remember, that these items simply take up space and that someone else could be getting better use out of them with used clothing donations. If the event does arise that you simply do not have something appropriate in your closet for a special occasion, you will have the perfect excuse for a shopping trip. You also can purchase discounted clothing at the same place that you used to donate clothes to Red Cross. The purchase of the used clothing will help out those in need, just as much as the Red Cross clothes donation.

Household items

Have you ever looked through your cabinets and wondered why you have so many dishes? You very rarely serve food to anyone other than your family members, so they are simply taking up valuable kitchen space. You can also include unneeded kitchen and other household items in with your Red Cross clothing pickup. The Red Cross clothes donation pick up makes it easier to donate the household items that may be too heavy to carry yourself.

You will also find it convenient to donate your Red Cross clothes donations and other household items in an easy to reach drop box. For example, GreenDrop now has approximately 30 free standing locations and mobile trailers that collect on average 100 tons of donations each week. You will find it easier to keep your dishes and other kitchen items clean when there is less to go through.

Most Americans have too many items in their lives and households that simply complicate things. Simplify your life by only keeping the items you need. You will find it easier to organize and find things you need on a daily basis. Also, the donation of those items will help out the community that you live in. In 2015, charity proceeds from the sale of the donated goods to thrift stores exceeded $2.5 million, supporting both communities and programs locally.

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