There are a few qualities that are important to maintaining your home and its ability to stay dry in the wet seasons. If your house has a basement, any water damage has a likelihood to end up in the basement eventually. This puts it at a unique risk to collect leaking water, thus damaging the foundation of the interior and exterior of your home. In this blog, you can learn more about waterproofing and what contractors do to maintain that watertight exterior seal.
It is essential to locate the cause of the leak in the basement. Aside from obvious signs of water, there will also be signs of cracked walls and mold or mildew that may help identify where leaks are coming from.
When you assess waterproofing a basement, you’ll want to consider the costs like other home improvement projects. The cause of the leak and the basement’s square footage can play into the end price. Any signs of water shouldn’t be taken lightly. Even if you use your basement rarely, it can still affect the safety of the rest of your house.