Want To Reach Out To More Customers? Help Parents Out With A Commercial Poured Rubber Playground

Play is more than just a little time off. It’s how we communicate with others and learn more about ourselves. For children it’s the difference between a healthy adult life and constantly being one step behind.

The playground is a classic staple of childhood, creating fond memories and opportunities for growth. Not only is it a great place for children to go on the weekend, it’s a useful tool for businesses who want to appeal to parents. It can be difficult for a mother or father to visit your establishment when they have to keep an eye on their children. Likewise, children are our future and need to be nurtured in all areas of life. Adding a commercial sandbox or handicap swing to your business model will pay off in more ways than one.

To play is to learn. Commercial playground equipment is just one way of achieving this happy balance.

The Connection Between Play And Psychology

What is the bridge between play and psychology you can tap into when creating a poured rubber playground? Modern psychology has determined play to be the biggest factor in stimulating brain development, even more so than traditional classes. Recent studies have shown it’s important for children to have regular opportunities for gross motor activities. These include running, jumping, dancing, swimming, and climbing. Children who don’t get this on a routine basis during the first six years of their life will actually face a lifetime of limited brain power.

Physical Health Benefits Of Exercise

Not only will their mental and emotional health thrive, but their physical health will follow suit. A recent study found two-thirds of the parents responding admitting their children spend far too much time on electronic devices. While there’s nothing wrong with browsing the Internet or playing videogames, too much can keep children from achieving their daily exercise fundamentals. Running, jumping, and swimming are great ways of building muscle and strengthening the heart. Regular socializing through sports can also make it easier to make friends.

Common Concerns Today’s Parents Have

Many of your customers are parents. To put things plainly, a poured rubber playground will go a long way in making your business more appealing to a wider demographic. The Kaiser Family Foundation found children between the ages of eight and 18 spending four and a half hours every day in front of a screen. Another study found children spend less time playing outside than even their parents, with research finding an average of just four hours outside a week on average. Compare this to when the parents were kids, in which this number was closer to eight and a half hours a week.

Financial Benefits Of The Poured Rubber Playground

Your business will gain a lot more customers with the aid of a poured rubber playground or metal commercial swingset. Parents will feel more comfortable speaking with your representatives or shopping, while children will be given an opportunity to stave off boredom while remaining safe. Accessibility is one of the most important tools in your arsenal when creating a repeat customer base. While you can fashion your playground in many different styles, there are a few classic additions that should appeal to just about any child.

Crafting Your Poured Rubber Playground

A playground is a useful tool for parents and a fantastic ROI for businesses. The classic playground includes heavy duty swing set parts, handicap swing chairs, and monkey bars. You can get a little creative and create a combination of a GaGa pit game for younger children and a climbing playground for older children. The Sports And Fitness Industry Association has found less than one-third of children reach the ‘active to a healthy level’ classification. That’s as little as 25 minutes of high-calorie burning physical activity three times a week.

Play is good for all of us. How can you help out parents and children who drop by your business?

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