When you decide to donate clothes to Red Cross, you know that what you donate is going to someone who needs it. It is one of the noblest goals any country should strive to foster. Not everyone has the opportunity to get what they need, and some, unfortunately, are just down on their luck.
The American National Red Cross, in particular, is one of the largest charities residing in the United States. In fact, Red Cross received around $687 million in private donations, and that was just in 2014.
This attitude of giving to those who need it, clearly resonates with many, considering 70 percent of Americans donate to a charity every single year. Not to mention, charities receive 3 percent of American income in donations. It is not surprising when you realize mankind has the capacity to empathize and sympathize.
Donate Clothes To Red Cross
Donate clothes to Red Cross and they will make sure those clothes get to where they need to be. Not only does it help people, it gives clothing a second life, an extension to their shelf-life. Doing so keeps clothing out of landfills. As many as 14 million textiles from clothing donations help clothe American families from one side of the country to the next.
There are several avenues you can take to drop off clothing you do not want. There are several Red Cross donation centers where they will graciously accept most of what you give them as long as they are still usable. You can also donate old clothing by leaving them in various donation bins you can find littered around stores and public areas. Again, they need to still be usable. Drop them inside the containers and that is all! Regardless of where you donate, deciding to give your clothing a new life, not only helps people, but reduces the amount of clothing Americans throw away every year, usually about 10 pounds.
Shelter To Those That Need It
When you are covered in a warm blanket, reading a good book, it does not always cross your mind that someone, somewhere, is in no position to do the same. Thankfully, the American National Red Cross does just that. Chronic homelessness infects 15 percent of the homeless population. That’s when an individual is constantly homeless. But Red Cross fights back by giving food and shelter to those in need all day, every single day, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
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