Finding the Right School for Your Child

Everyone needs a good education so that they can become intelligent and capable adults, and the quality of the schools that a child attends may impact his or her educational and professional future for years to come. Parents whose child first becomes old enough for schools or parents who move the family to a new area will be responsible for finding the best day schools or best high schools for their kids, and there are some factors to weigh when looking for a good school or one’s child, whether the student is six or 16 years old. Another choice to make is whether to send one’s child to the best private schools in the area or the best public schools instead, and this decision may have a significant impact on the student’s future as well. Parents who can afford it may send their kids to the best elementary schools, and search “private elementary schools near me” to find a campus. Searching “private elementary schools near me” or “top private middle schools in the area” can help a parent find such a place, or they may look for a public high school.

Public VS Private

Parents of school-age children may divide all the potential schools into two camps: public or private, where public schools are state or federally funded and regulated, or private schools, which charge high tuition but also have expert staff and set their own tests and curriculum data. Searching “public elementary schools near me” as well as “private elementary schools near me” allows a parent to compare and contrast both types in terms of location, price, student success rate, activities and clubs featured, and more.

What are the key differences in how a student may get their education at each school class? Searching “private elementary schools near me” or “private high schools Dallas TX” may yield some schools with significant college preparation worked into them, and differences in how hands-on the staff are. Some statistics show just how effective private schools may be compared to private ones, if parents can afford the tuition. For one thing, it has been found that 21% of public school teachers report student apathy as a problem at their schools, while only 4% of private school teachers have reported a similar problem at their schools. Similarly, 25% of public school teachers have said that a lack of parental involvement is a problem among their students, which compares unfavorably to the 3% rate of private school teachers who have reported something similar. What is more, a private school may better prepare a student, often high school students, for a college career. At public schools, counselors spent 22% of their time on college counseling on their students, while private school counselors spend 55% of their time on college prep, over twice as much time. This difference in counseling may be a factor in how often students really do go to college: nearly 95% of graduates from non-parochial high schools go on to college careers, which compares favorably to the 49% rate of private school graduates.

Finding the School

An Internet search for a school for one’s child can yield some nearby results to start with, such as “public middle schools Los Angeles CA” or “private elementary schools near me.” But more should be done, since a parent has a considerable responsibility for finding the right school for their child. The teacher should evaluate a school based on its funding, the experience and expertise of the staff, and how many clubs, activities, and counseling services and features there are. Parents can look for the clubs or groups that their child will care most about, such as a soccer team, marching band, or a debate club, and the parent may also check how well funded and supplied these groups are. A good indicator for a school may be its physical condition, and a school should not be shabby or be low on supplies.

The child’s own input is a factor as well. A child should be able to fit into the social fabric and make friends, and should be challenged by the coursework and not overwhelmed. A happy child means that the right school was found. Stressed or bullied children, by contrast, may need t be relocated.

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